sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Exam Program 2013


Unit 1
·      Greetings.
·      Pesonal Pronouns.
·      Numbers: 0 to 99; The Alphabet.
·      The Classroom.
·      Colors.
·      Days, Months and Season of the year.

Unit 2
·      Simple Present Verb: “To Be”. Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative form.
·      Possessive Adjectives.
·      Adjectives.
·      Sentences using verb To be.
·      Questions Word: What, Where; Who; How old.
·      Plural Nouns.
·      Family menbers.

Unit 3
·      Indefinde Article: “A – AN”
·      Definide Article: “THE”.
·      Demosttrative Pronouns: “This – That”.
·      The body.
·      Clothes.
·      Siple Present Verb “To Have got”. Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative form.
·      Prepositions of Place: “On – In – Under”.

 Written. Passed with 6 (six) or superior.

 SKINNER, Carol (2003). “Pals”. Pearson Education. Bs. As. 

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